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The Chiropractic Season

chiropractic business managment Sep 07, 2023

The Chiropractic Season

By Dr. Michael Perusich

From little league to professional, it’s football season once again.  Many of us are adding game schedules to our calendars, making game day plans, and hoping our favorite teams do well.

When the season starts, I’m always reminded about the preparation and hard work the players and coaches go through to get ready for the season.  Players spend the entire off-season in recovery mode, working on staying in shape, and building strength.  The coaches prepare for drafting new players, making trades, analyzing the upcoming schedule, and developing new game plans.  

While the actual season only lasts about six months, no matter the position on the team -  coach, player, or support staff - everyone is in constant game-preparation mode the entire year.

As Chiropractic Entrepreneurs, we can learn a great lesson from the football playbook.  Preparation, training, and development is an ongoing process that happens all year long.  And it requires a great deal of team discipline to make it happen.

Far too often, we leave training and development to the occasional seminar or periodic staff meeting.  This leaves us unprepared when the game plan needs to be altered.  The reality is, that in today’s rapidly changing business environment, we need to be ready to pivot at any moment.

Like a Hail Mary pass, everything you can imagine is being thrown at us right now.  The crazy economy, patient buying habits, compliance changes, insurance company rules, declining reimbursement, and hiring practices just to name a few, are rapidly remodeling the landscape of how we manage our clinics.  

Trying to prepare and create strategic action plans on the fly can only serve to keep us in reactive mode and behind the proverbial eight-ball as we watch our profits and clinic value decline.  

One of the primary reasons why professional athletes train, develop, and prepare all year long is so that they can play the game proactively.  That’s precisely how we should be running our practices.  By proactively analyzing our practices, the marketplace, and our team’s readiness, we put ourselves into a more strategic position to react and pivot the practice as needed, to keep the business on track with our goals.

Strategic planning, team development, and training Are not something we do on game day or leave to chance.  Because the Chiropractic season lasts all year, we need to create an ongoing disciplined approach to preparation, training, and development.  

After all, if football players need 12 months to prepare for a 6-month season…how long do Chiropractic Entrepreneurs need?  The most successful doctors make it happen every day.


Dr. Michael Perusich is a solutions-focused advisor with more than 25 years of success across the healthcare and consulting industries. His broad areas of expertise include coaching, training, content development, and motivational speaking.  Dr. Perusich is the CEO of Kats Consultants, LLC. where he and his team offer a unique platform of business knowledge and tools for today's Chiropractic entrepreneur.

