Chiropractic Fear of Audits
Oct 27, 2022The Chiropractic Fears of Audits
Running a Chiropractic business has as many ghosts, goblins, and witches tricks as any scary haunted house. We understand there can be some real fears when it comes to operating your practice.
With Halloween coming soon, over the next 4 weeks, we will explore the top fears we have found Chiropractors have and provide some scary good tips. See the other blog pages for Fears of Series.
Let’s start with your Chiropractic fear of audits:
This one frightens just about everyone…and it should. Audits can be costly, time-consuming, and really zap the life out of you and your practice. Plus the threat of fines and other penalties keeps many doctors awake at night.
How do you overcome the fear of audits? While you can’t avoid them completely, you can insulate yourself by doing these three things:
- Understanding the rules of red flags. When you have a better understanding of what triggers an audit, then you are more likely to avoid throwing up the flag with the insurance company.
- Understanding the rules of documentation and correct coding. Knowing how to construct your notes, what auditors look for, and telling the right story with your coding is essential to help avoid audits.
- Understanding what your notes say. We spend a great deal of time documenting our cases, but unfortunately, we spend very little time reviewing that documentation for accuracy and completeness.
Maintaining a regular cadence of internal auditing will help uncover deficiencies that may trigger an audit.