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97: Positive Chiropractic Associateships

chiropractic business managment Nov 06, 2022
Kats Consultants
97: Positive Chiropractic Associateships

Create a Positive Chiropractic Associateship

In this week's episode of KC CHIROpulse, our hosts discuss another great topic important to Chiropractic success.  In this week's episode of KC CHIROpulse, our hosts discuss how a positive Chiropractic Associate experience directly relates to running a successful Chiropractic Business. 

Far too often the associate experience starts out positive but becomes negative over time.  Why?  Is it just a bad idea to hire an associate or be an associate?  Tune in to find out how to create a positive experience for everyone.

We hope you enjoy this week's CHIROpulse Podcast - helping doctors keep their pulse on success.  Check us out at katsconsultants.com