169:Building a High-Functioning Chiropractic Team
Apr 14, 2024Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.
This week’s topic: Building a High Functioning Chiropractic Team.
The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights, and is hosted by Kats Consultants coaches Dr Michael Perusich and Dr. Kelly Fredricks, both seasoned experts in Chiropractic care and business development, this podcast provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How to develop a highly functioning team
- Why creating success partners in your staff improves your profit margins
- How to get your staff involved in becoming an awesome team
- Why high functioning teams build more profitable practices
- …and so much more…
In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.
Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.
Don't miss out on the latest insights and expert guidance. Subscribe now and unlock the secrets to taking your Chiropractic practice to the next level. Your success is our priority at Kats Chiropractic Business Advisors.
DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to offer legal, investment, accounting, or medical advice. Seek the consultation of a professional for advice in those areas. And remember…your results using this information may be different than described.
169 TSCPT - Building Highly Effective Chiropractic Teams
Dr Michael Perusich, Kelly Fredricks
DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to offer legal, investment, accounting, or medical advice. Seek the consultation of a professional for advice in those areas. And remember…your results using this information may be different than described.
Dr Michael Perusich: Chiropractors, do you have a highly functioning team in your practice?
Hi everybody. Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. We appreciate you all tuning in today. I'm your host Michael perusich can't even say my last name. I'm Dr. Michael perusich and I'm joined by my co-host, one of our great coaches, Dr. Kelly Fredricks,
Kelly Fredricks: Hi everybody
Dr Michael Perusich: doc you and…I talk about this all the time. This is one of our favorite topics. How do you build a highly functioning team in other words the art of Delegation?
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Kelly Fredricks: Yes, We love it in those tasks out.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yes, we don't have to do everything ourselves doctors. We can actually create a team to create support around us that allows us to function at a higher capacity which leads to more revenue and more satisfaction in the job place for everybody
Kelly Fredricks: Yes and more time for us We're always trying to buy more time for us.
Dr Michael Perusich: more time
Kelly Fredricks: So the more we can delegate.
Dr Michael Perusich: exactly the more golf we get to play.
Kelly Fredricks: The better it is.
Kelly Fredricks: Yes, definitely.
Dr Michael Perusich: Alright, so what do we mean by delegation? So when I talk to doctors sometimes I say, you really should delegate that. I don't know that I can delegate that. I'll do it better than everybody else. Here's the adage if you can delegate somebody just something to somebody and they can do it at least 80% as well as you then you should delegate it. I mean, that's the litmus test so it doesn't have to be perfect. You might be good at doing some task because you've done it so many times but when you delegate it might be new to them, but let them take over eventually they might even become better at it than you.
Kelly Fredricks: I was just gonna say that and get ready because it's probably going to be way better than you would have done it in the first place.
Dr Michael Perusich: Exactly. I was always happy to delegate things to my staff especially to Marissa because I mean she would take it in, maybe I could do it a hundred percent, but she could do it a hundred and fifty percent. and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, yes. Yeah, definitely.
Dr Michael Perusich: I think delegating also creates a tighter Bond within your team in the practice because now your staff is not just doing tasks. They're much more engaged in a lot of things. They also feel like you trust them when you delegate to them.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, definitely in it empowers them. they want to have a title. They want to have a reason to be at work and they want to know that they're needed. So the more we can delegate in Empower them to do those things. Then that gives them really good feelings about what they do on a day-to-day basis.
Dr Michael Perusich: So, How do we know what to delegate? the starting point is we have to know our team we have to understand who they are. We have to know their strengths and weaknesses. So, how do we do that? what are some great ways to do that. Here's one that comes to mind for me personality tests. They're simple personality tests.
Kelly Fredricks: .
Dr Michael Perusich: You can get online. If you're one of our members, we have one in the library, but Personality tests are a great starting point. How do you all match up together?
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, we do personality tests in our office. We actually just read the book The Enneagram together as a team,…
Dr Michael Perusich:
Kelly Fredricks: which has been life-changing for us. So we all know what our number is. We all know, where we go in fear where we go in stress and it's really been so helpful for us. And also we do something fun in our office where we ask each other. What are your favorite things? What do you like to do? And that kind of help too because I realize that one of my patients loves to organize So you better believe she's the one that every week goes through the office and tidies things up and organizes the back closet and does that thing and then I found out another person doesn't like social media. So that's not the person that I'm gonna have helped me with my marketing. So, …
Dr Michael Perusich: All right.
Kelly Fredricks: sometimes just sitting down as a group and asking each other questions and say What is it that you would like to do in the office? and…
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah.
Kelly Fredricks: then they're gonna start telling you
Dr Michael Perusich: And that's a delegation process because now you're filtering out the workload. On the people…
Kelly Fredricks: yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: who actually want to do some of those things not just gosh.
Kelly Fredricks: right
Dr Michael Perusich: have to do marketing. I hate social media. Why am I doing this? …
Kelly Fredricks: right
Dr Michael Perusich: so goes you're matching tasks then what the right team member? It's incredibly important. Want to dive into this just a little bit more and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: I want to talk about. Some other aspects of Delegation, but we need to have a quick word from our sponsors, Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. So hang in there. We're talking about how to build highly efficient teams through delegation. We'll be right back.
Dr Michael Perusich: Hi everybody, welcome back to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast. We are talking about building highly effective teams through the art of Delegation. one of the things
Dr Michael Perusich: That I think is really important is when we delegate a task, we're always worried if it's going to get done, Especially…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: if the person's never done it. so part of creating A good pass off if you will when you delegate part of creating that good pass off is setting clear expectations. What are you looking for? How do you want it done? What are the rules? how long do you want it to take for them to get the project done setting clear expectations is incredibly important. So people know so your team knows. what to expect and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, exactly.
Dr Michael Perusich: you expect
Kelly Fredricks: And also letting them know the priority status, is this something that is absolutely high priority doc.
Dr Michael Perusich: yeah. Good point.
Kelly Fredricks: In the next two days? Do you need this done by the end of the shift? you have to let them know Is it midline Is it low priority? So they can also sit down with their tasks and This is how I need to arrange what I'm doing in order to best suit us.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah. that's such a powerful idea right there. And that requires that two-way communication. we need to create an environment where our staff feels comfortable communicating back to us. sometimes we create a culture…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: where I'm the boss and you can't talk to me and that's their takeaway and you don't get that that two-way communication is incredibly important because you need to be giving each other constructive feedback.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, and that's exactly how I learned that was actually from my office manager. I would be giving her things to do and then she finally came to me and she was like, I really have no idea. what's important to you. So we set in place, that priority level and so now she knows her concern was I want to do the right thing by her. But if she doesn't understand, what drives me then she couldn't really handle that. So it came her coming to me and having that conversation, which I was incredible for because it changed everything.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, so when you have that two-way feedback loop. What happens you start to build trust you build trust with each…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: You're working more effectively together. That's part of building that high powered team. when you build that trust.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: You encourage more initiative on their part and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: I'm telling you this is a game changer. If you feel like you're overburdened with a lot of the tasks in the clinic and you don't feel like you can delegate you just got to do it because it will take such a load off of you. Can you practice will become more efficient Your Capacity will go up. Your Revenue will go up. You'll be happier on the practice and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: everybody will be happier. Because now you're really building that team environment where together everyone achieves more.
Kelly Fredricks: Another thing that I thought was incredibly helpful that I've learned over the years too is that not all people take delegation the same way in regards to what their tasks are. So for example, I used to come up to somebody and tell them I need you to do this this and this and then I would walk away and then I would realize that one put, staff member a would take that and run with it because they'd be writing a list and then I would realize this stuff number letter B would not do any of those things and I was like, okay, I don't understand why the one person is doing it and the other person is not doing it. So then I realized that everyone loves differently right and everyone works differently. So
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah.
Kelly Fredricks: I figured out which ones I can tell things too. And then I know the ones that I have to email things to and then I also know the ones that we have like I said before we use Asana and the office so we all put all of our tasks in this Asana and that way we've got the dates. We've got the priority in there. We've got all the things listed and then we're meeting up on that every week. So that's kind of covering all bases. But if I know that Christy, I can't tell her something because she's got 10 of things going on in mind because she's the office manager. I know that that has to be done digitally with her. So,
Dr Michael Perusich: What a great way though to tasks track progress create accountability for everybody. That's a fantastic thing to do. So creating those systems. We had a reporting system that we use in our staff meetings where projects would get action steps put to them and then the action steps we get assigned and then we carry it over from week to week. with expectations set for all the action steps of when they needed to be completed and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: what the progress was going forward each week and it was a huge way to get a ton of work done. In short periods of time by spreading it out amongst everybody and maintaining that accountability.
Kelly Fredricks: And then it's all organized as well. Right? So your staff meetings can go so much better when we're all working in one system and…
Dr Michael Perusich: exactly
Kelly Fredricks: then here's our topic today. We're talking about the first quarter events that we're having for Mother's Day. Then everyone says, okay you have this I have this I'm working on this. I still have to do this, so it becomes that team environment and then everyone is talking about the same thing to all accomplish the same goal. and…
Dr Michael Perusich: right
Kelly Fredricks: it can be smooth quick.
Dr Michael Perusich: Exactly and there's some great tools out there, it caps, we use Google workplace and…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: my gosh it's fantastic because we can share information schedules. What else do we share in there? We can have meetings in there.
Kelly Fredricks: Reach Out
Dr Michael Perusich: I mean, we can chat. we can create task lists and assign tasks to people and create deadlines for things and it's in its phenomenal and what a great way for us to be able to manage because all of us cats were scattered all over the country, But whether you're scattered around the country or you're all in the same office, it doesn't matter. It helps create that organized workflow. Which again that's one of the Demons of doing this?
Kelly Fredricks: Right. Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: Is you've got to create those management tools those workflow tools to help keep it organized?
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, you do have to lay the groundwork, right you have to take the time and once you do that and sit down take the time and then everything else becomes so much easier. So it's yeah and…
Dr Michael Perusich: everything literally …
Kelly Fredricks: sometimes it's a league of Faith. I know is as docs it's hard to let go.
Dr Michael Perusich: that's true.
Kelly Fredricks: I mean take it from me. you fought me on this many many times, It's hard for me to let go. I'm a client as well. but when we can let go and we can gain that trust. I mean, my gosh, it just opens you up to do so many other things. I mean the amount of marketing that we've been able to tackle this year has been incredible and I know that that is because of our delegation system, and figuring out who are my creatives on my team who are the people that love technology because I am not a tech person and in finding those strengths and putting the right people in the right tasks.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, that's huge. That's huge.
Dr Michael Perusich: So to make this work. We have to have leadership skills. And I'm gonna throw out something here and don't throw darts at me everybody, but I know we all need our CEUs to keep up our licenses. Okay, but I see a lot of doctors immersing themselves constantly in clinical based stuff whether it's techniques or…
Kelly Fredricks: technique
Dr Michael Perusich: diagnosing and' That's all great, but We also need to realize that we were a second hat. We're not always just clinician. Sometimes we're running a business. If you own the business,…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: you're also an entrepreneur and you got to put your entrepreneur hat on sometimes and so you got to get off that chiropractic Mouse wheel and develop some leadership skills develop some understanding of a marketing Works whether you're doing it or not.
Dr Michael Perusich: You need to develop that creative Innovative side the right side of your brain instead of using the left side all the time. So that we can really get into leadership mode and Lead our staff. So we're not pushing them or leading them or pulling them.
Kelly Fredricks: All right.
Dr Michael Perusich: We're giving them direction. We're laying proper tracks for everybody to work effectively together. there's a lot of responsibility as a leader, but it makes delegating so much more simple. Because when your staff feels like you're the leader of the team.
Kelly Fredricks: Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: They will follow you. If you're not the leader,…
Kelly Fredricks: Right, right. Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: but kind of push back a little bit.
Kelly Fredricks: Mm- Yeah, definitely and you want to lead them into greatness, So you want to be a good leader that is organized and…
Dr Michael Perusich: exactly
Kelly Fredricks: has a clear vision and once they know that there's a clear message and a Clear Vision then they jump on board with that. but
Dr Michael Perusich: Right, and this is the whole reason why we developed our Mastermind program at cats Consultants. It was because we see that huge need to Foster those leadership skills in us and that track really gives us an opportunity to help develop that leadership sign of every doctor that's part of that group.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, The Mastermind and then also, I mean our virtual seminars are fantastic because that takes a day out of the clinic where we are just sitting together as a team and we are all working on ourselves. we're working on personal development because your staff they want to grow they want to learn they want to do more things in your office.
Dr Michael Perusich: It's true.
Kelly Fredricks: And so, the more that we can pour into them and the more that we can Train with them and take something that they think they might be good at but then help them to Foster that helps move everything along but it is work you have to take time.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, and what you said is huge, that opportunity to develop as a team. We set our virtual seminars up so that they're on Thursdays.
Kelly Fredricks: Mm-hmm
Dr Michael Perusich: We did that on purpose. Everybody always ask why during the week, we need to see Every once in a while you need to develop because when you develop as a team, you can see more patients. There's a way to schedule around the virtual seminars.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: If you do it, right, you'll never lose a patient visit. You'll actually gain
Kelly Fredricks: right in your clinic, they see that you're taking the time to develop and be better and…
Dr Michael Perusich: Your love it.
Kelly Fredricks: Your patients love it because they always want to know What did you learn in your seminar? What did you learn about Thursday?
Dr Michael Perusich: No. And they see the positive after effects of it too in the practice…
Kelly Fredricks: Yes. Yes.
Dr Michael Perusich: because it just helps refresh in you as a team helps you building together as a team practicing together. as a team if you will and working together, if we're a football team for example We don't all take the Playbook home read through it. I'll see on Sunday and we'll play a game. No, we practice every day and we practice every week and we continue practicing even in the off season together in some way so that we're always working together and building that power and strength as a team. You can only do that together. So those team building events periodically are incredibly important.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, yeah and So, you're evolving everything from the feel of your clinic to the tasks that you're working on. So you have to evolve together with where your focus goes, do you need to make changes is what we're doing working. do we need to change our message do we need to change what we're offering do we need to change a promotion? Do we need to change our schedule? you have to
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, we see so many clinics that are constantly working in the now. And never thinking about the future.
Kelly Fredricks: which
Dr Michael Perusich: I don't care what business it is chiropractic or you're selling widgets the business environment changes over time. consumer mentality They're buying habits change over time consumers are patients for example in our profession,…
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: but we've got to keep Pace with those kind of things and if we are always practicing in now that we're never working towards So the future growth of your practice is really dependent on a lot of these things that we're talking about. Excuse me, team development like building employees that want to stay with you 10 20 years because they're fantastic employees. They trust They love what they're doing and they're getting that constant growth for themselves.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah.
Dr Michael Perusich: One of the number one things that employees want is they want development and training opportunities on the job. So building that in really helps not only develop good talent, but helps you retain good talent.
Kelly Fredricks: Definitely definitely retain good talent. and yeah, like you said you could have someone start as a CA that ends up developing into your office manager. So, …
Dr Michael Perusich: exactly
Kelly Fredricks: there's many places where you can take them.
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, and Role that whole art of Delegation and building your team and making it highly successful really creates a succession plan for growth. term And in my opinion that's one of the biggest things you can do in your practice to create long-term success.
Kelly Fredricks: Yeah, yeah, definitely and preparing for the future, letting everybody know. Okay, we're gonna grow and I need you to help me. This is how we're gonna get there. and this is what we're gonna expect. whether that's what you want to add another doc or whether that's okay. We're gonna get to this many patient visits because this is where we're moving and now we need to get another CA so we need to start thinking about Who are we gonna hire? How are they going to fit into the team? And what kind of person are we looking for?
Dr Michael Perusich: Yeah, So building highly effective teams delegation. These are all important roles of a true Chiropractic leader, true Chiropractic entrepreneur. put that entrepreneur hat on from time to time and bring these principles into your practice. All right, if you haven't done so go to Kats Consultants and check out all the things that we're doing for practices and helping doctors. Reach unbelievable levels of success. We've got a lot of free downloads and things free tools on our website. So go check all those out. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast tell everybody about it. We want to thank our sponsor ChiroHealth USA, and I can't think of anything else. So Dr. Kelly anything to add
Kelly Fredricks: I don't think so. I think we covered it all.
Dr Michael Perusich: Okay, Alright everybody. Thanks for tuning into the KC CHIROpulse Podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. We will see you next time.
Kelly Fredricks: you next time.
Meeting ended after 00:21:30 👋