Let's Chat

100: Do you have Chiropractic Referability

chiropractic marketing Nov 27, 2022
Kats Consultants
100: Do you have Chiropractic Referability

In this week's episode of KC CHIROpulse, our hosts discuss another great topic important to Chiropractic success.

In today’s economy, the old new patient acquisition programs just won’t work well.  Why?  Because 83% of new business comes from referrals.  But your practice needs certain key qualities and strategies to create a referral-based practice.  Tune in to hear our hosts talk about this important tactic for Chiropractic success.  PLUS…find out how to join our upcoming virtual seminar on December 8th - Creating a Referral Network!

We hope you enjoy this week's CHIROpulse Podcast - helping doctors keep their pulse on success.  Check us out at katsconsultants.com